Creative Elements

Storytelling Series:
Video production can be expensive and in a non-profit environment with few internal resources and a limited budget Micro-documentaries offered a package I was able to split with two of our national subsidiaries to highlight their work and mission. A project spanning several months and three locations resulted in a series of 5 short films highlighting a New Tech Network school in Carrollton, TX and an EDWorks school in Detroit, MI. The New Tech Network videos attracted national coverage. Companies can use this approach to highlight corporate responsibility work and sustainability efforts.
Total budget $10,000.
Project manager: Jeanne Bernish

Videos from my first iteration of the KnowledgeWorks website focusing on the organization’s social justice theme.  Storytelling videos can work across many different industries and have very recently become popular in digital brand marketing circles. Developed with Intrinzic, still photography (not pictured here) of actual students in two different schools by Brian Steege. Total original film, photography and creative budget $40,000. Total website development and design budget $40,000. Project Manager for website and creative: Jeanne Bernish